Shawnee alder biography sample

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Shawnee alder biography sample

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  • ABOVE: Stone marker along the east side of the Big Darby Creek in Plain City, indicating this was the location of an Indian Trail that would have been used by Jonathan Alder many times during his life-time.

    Jonathan Alder, was born in Maryland in and a few years later he and his family moved to western Virginia in Wythe County.

    Several years after that, his father Bartholomew died leaving his wife and 5 sons to fend for themselves on the western frontier, living in a log cabin. They owned a few horses and other livestock. In the fall of , the Revolutionary War was still being waged back east, when one morning Jonathan and his older brother David went looking for two of their horses that had gone missing during the night.

    Shawnee alder biography sample pdf

    The two brothers found the horses, but before they could head back to their cabin 5 Indians overtook them. The younger Jonathan was quickly subdued, but his older brother David was able to flee through the woods with one of the Indians giving chase.

    A white man